
Mapleton Montessori is open to any child between the ages of three and six, provided that the school can meet the needs of the child. Parents must visit the school before they are given an Application for Admission so that the school and family can determine the appropriateness of the program for the child. Once the Application is submitted, the child’s name goes on the Wait List and the family is notified when a space is available. Children may begin school at age 3 when they are ready for the preschool experience and completely potty trained. Completion of the three year Montessori cycle through kindergarten is strongly encouraged. Children are enrolled for the entire school year or, if they are entering mid-year, for the balance of the school year.


Mapleton Montessori School runs year round. The academic year, from late August to early June, follows the Boulder Public Schools for most holidays. A morning session from 9:00 to 11:30 and an afternoon session from 1:00 to 3:30 are offered along with a full day session from 9:00 to 3:30. Children may attend three, four or five days per week. The lunch period, from 11:30 to 12:30, can be added to the morning or afternoon class for an extra fee. The children bring their own lunches; the fee covers the extra time. Before and after school care is available from 8:00 to 9:00 and from 3:30 to 5:30.

Our Summer Camp runs from mid-June to mid-August and consists of three sessions, each three weeks long. Again, children may attend three, four or five days per week in the morning from 9:00 to 12:30, the afternoon from 1:00 to 3:30 or the full day from 9:00 to 3:30. Before and after school care is available from 8:00 to 9:00 and from 3:30 to 5:30.


To download a Schedule of Fees please click the icon below to start the download.

2013-2014 School Year

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To download the MMS calendar please click the icon below to start the download.

2013-2014 School Year


To download a form please click an icon below to start the download.


Parent Involvement

There are various ways for parents to be involved with the school, either occasionally or on a regular basis. Playground Buddies volunteer on the playground once a week for an hour after lunch. Parents volunteer as reading helpers in the classrooms. Teachers often call for parental help with special projects such as baking pumpkin pies or making Valentine cookies. Occasionally parents volunteer to be on the substitute list or bring their special talents to school to enhance a unit of study. There are also volunteer opportunities for parents who can’t envision themselves in the classroom... just ask your child’s teacher.